From California to Boise, Nicole Di Antonio’s background in real estate management led her to lead HCP’s charge in the Western Region of the country. With Hendricks Commercial Properties based in the Midwest, it needed someone reliable, accountable and hard working to oversee and manage the number of properties Hendricks had acquired in Boise, Idaho. In under two years with HCP Nicole has proven to be a critical team member who isn’t afraid to take chances. But she didn’t come this far to only come this far. Nicole is excited to continue her career with Hendricks, mentoring others and finding success.
What was your first job? And what were you doing before you came to work for HCP?
My first job was back in 1993 as a waitress for Nick’s Pizzeria. My parents owned a sewing and vacuum cleaner shop in a small retail center and implored the neighbor Nick (owner of Nick’s Pizzeria) to hire me as a waitress for the summer after I graduated from high school. I loved it and learned a lot about customer service and authentic hard work.
Before HCP, I was working as the Director of Property Management for a third-party property management company; however, I was directly overseeing the Owyhee, Hoff and BoDo for Hendricks Commercial Properties. I was recruited by HCP in August 2020 and it was the best move I have ever made.

So far, how has HCP been different from your previous work experience(s)?
I worked for a third party fee management company with a diverse portfolio of properties and ownership groups. The world of third party fee management is very different than owner management. HCP allows, encourages and fosters autonomy. I am a firm believer that you will garner great results when you allow your employees the autonomy to do their jobs.
In your career, what is next for you?
That is a good question. I see lots of potential opportunities with HCP in the future and would be open to any path within the company so long as my passion for excellence and my desire to make a positive change is embraced.
What is your HCP Legacy? Where did you start, and how did you get to where you are today?
I want my HCP legacy to be that I was a mentor and one that paved a way for growth and success to a new real estate manager. I want to pass on my passion for property management. It’s an amazing career and one that has given me so much confidence and the sense of I can conquer the world. That is what I want to pass on!
I have been in commercial property management since 2001 starting my career as a temp receptionist for the Irvine Company in Newport Beach, CA. My first manager Cindy Burger saw a drive in me that she said she had not seen in any other employees at the Irvine Company and asked if I wanted to learn about property management. My response was YES and shortly thereafter she became my mentor. Through her many years of mentorship and guidance she thought me everything I know about property management and what she didn’t teach me she let me learn on my own by being brave enough to make mistakes and owning those mistakes and embracing the failure. The embracing the failure is a hard one and one I am still working on! Cindy’s unwavering support made the journey less painful, and her guidance paved a way for my growth. A gift I would never be able to repay. She went from being my mentor to becoming one of my best friends. I have had the privilege to work for Colliers International, CBRE, Cushman & Wakefield and Equity Office. I learned so much about commercial property management, leasing, accounting and operations at these companies and feel beyond blessed for the experience and being able to pass on my experience to others.
What do you like to do for fun?
Fun is creating and crafting something from my hands and heart. My go to hobbies are knitting, resin art and soap making. Each different and unique, but the possibilities are endless. I typically try and knit once a week and have a loom, yarn and needle at my nightstand, end table and desk. Picking up the loom and knitting for even 5-mins gives me a sense of pleasure and helps keep me centered. Resin Art allows me to be messy, colorful and crazy creative. Though I must admit I am not very good I still enjoy the process. Soap making came out of a need to help cure my son’s dry skin and eczema and is my true passion.Seeing the results of the love I put into his skin care truly warms my heart and makes me feel fulfilled. Cheezy, I know.
We say to “embrace the freedom to do amazing things”. What is the most amazing thing you’ve accomplished in your time here?
I don’t think I have accomplished my “amazing” yet, but I am working on it. My current goal is to get the Western Region collections at 1% by year end. If I can collect the past due balance of about $1.5 million then I would say I reached my “amazing”. To date, I have only been able to collect a little over $500K, but I had a LOT of help from Mark Dowdle and Rachael Wood. I inherited a very large past due balance when I started in 2016, prior to 10/2020 collections was handled by another department. Anyone who has worked on collections knows it takes an army. I commend the department and one person trying to collect for the Central, Eastern and Western Region for all those years. Truly a thankless job.

What is your favorite saying from the HCP Manifesto, and why? How do you apply it to your everyday?
“Own your SH*T”. The reason? Accountability = Integrity. Taking accountability for our actions and owning our mistakes shows grit and integrity. It’s not easy acknowledging when we screw up. It’s sometimes embarrassing, but we are humans and mistakes happen. Who cares? Own it. Embrace it. Learn from it. It will make you stronger!!!!! I own my SH*T day in and day out. I know what needs to be done and work my @ss off to try and accomplish my tasks. When I make a mistake (and I make them) I am the first to admit it, own it and try to fix it. No shame in my GAME! I am flawed and own it.
If you had to pick a favorite property/project in our portfolio which one would it be and why?
The Owyhee in Boise also known as IDBOI110. The Owyhee is my favorite because it has some personal history and has piece of my heart. I don’t know that I will ever favor another property like I do the Owyhee. Oh, and it’s haunted so it’s also a fun property to oversee.
Give us your best “elevator speech” for anyone thinking about joining HCP.
Do it. It will be the best decision you will ever make! We are not perfect, and policies are not perfect, but we are a company that wants to make change and wants feedback from EVERYONE to make the most positive change. I have been with HCP since August of 2020 and can attest to what a GREAT company HCP is and have chosen to make HCP my forever employer. I’m truly blessed to be a part of such a great company and work alongside some incredible professionals.
What are some words of wisdom for anyone on their journey to create their own HCP Legacy?
Be BRAVE and own your SH*T! Be brave enough to take chances and make mistakes. Mistakes will happen and that’s okay own it and learn from it. There is nothing that can’t be corrected. Having the bravery to take the chance will go a long way on your path to success.
Don’t be afraid to rock the boat. You can’t make positive change unless you rock the boat. If you want to make an impact for your team and department, ask questions. Don’t just “do the job” if you don’t agree or if you know there is a better way, speak up. You were hired for a reason so have the courage to rock the boat.
Be authentic! Be confident! Be yourself, good bad and ugly and own your confidence. There is such value in being 100% yourself and being a confident individual. Not everyone is going to like you or agree with you and that’s okay. Be strong enough to stand by your beliefs and be confident in your abilities.
If HCP were a celebrity, who would it be and why?
Hmm. This is a tough one. I must go with my favorite celebrity which is Dave Grohl. Not only is he AMAZING and beyond talented and a genius he is philanthropic. A good-hearted man who believes in honesty and hard work and giving back to his community. And Foo Fighters is my favorite band. Our founder Diane Hendricks fits that bill. She is kind, humble and clearly believes in hard work. She is philanthropic and I did get a chance to meet her in person and spend a bit of time with her and can say she is cool a HECK!
List one HCP employee benefit/perk that’s made an impact on your life and why.
Responsible PTO!I had a heart attack in December and never once worried about sick leave or not having enough “accrued” hours. HCP and my department manager had my back. Being able to use the time I needed to rest and recover took away all the stress of having to recover.